Dave & Julie

Dave & Julie

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Oh God…help me to trust you more. When I feel alone and discouraged help me to feel your guiding presence in my life. When the stress of the world around me seems overwhelming …help me to trust in you. When the waves of the storms of life are crashing all around me…help me to trust in you. When I am sinking deep into the quicksand of despair…help me to trust in you. Oh, to trust you more Lord…to trust you more. I know you love me and have a plan for me that is good. I thank you for your grace and mercy in my life…even when I know I’m undeserving. Forgive me for my lack of faith and trust. Forgive me for letting myself get caught up in the stress of my circumstances. Help me to keep my eyes on you. Help me to rest in you. Give me the strength and courage to walk through these dark times knowing that you are with me, guiding my every step if I will allow you to. Give me peace in the midst of the storms of life. Help me to surrender to your will for my life, whatever that may be. May my life be pleasing to you God...may my life be pleasing to you. You are God of the universe and you are God of my life. My faith, my hope and my trust are in you. Your grace abounds to me.